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Week 4 posts / Headhunters - Final Draft (Editor edit)
« on: August 29, 2020, 02:01:24 PM »
Well there's not much for me to say this round. The feedback I got was a handful of line edits, mostly comma suggestions. Jeni seemed pretty thoroughly flummoxed by the premise so perhaps she didn't understand enough to give any other kind of critique XD


Week 3 posts / Headhunters - Third Draft (CP Edits)
« on: August 17, 2020, 07:55:22 PM »
Not much has changed between this draft and the last; just a couple lines and word choice edits that have been cleaned for clarity or cut for the word count. I changed Rose?s font to a slightly nicer color. My CPs didn?t have a seizure while reading so that?s a good sign - in fact one suggested I make all the names colored, too, haha (I considered, but did not.)
Hi, Jeni! Hope you have fun, hahaha


Week 3 posts / Re: We Who Paint The Trees - CP Edits!
« on: August 17, 2020, 07:52:57 PM »
Love it, man! And I love the edits you made toward the end to clarify what is happening. Keep up the awesome work!

Week 2 posts / Headhunters - Second Draft
« on: August 14, 2020, 03:54:53 AM »
Here's a link to my self-edited draft two of Headhunters!


I thought about removing the colors, just to spare my CPs and editor. I really did. But I was talked down from that ledge, and besides, why not make others suffer a little bit of the agony it took me to color that speech, word by rainbow word? It only seems fair.

In all seriousness, it didn't take me as long as I thought it would to trim that extra 125 words. I was even able to expand a couple sections. I'd still like a bit more of the story at the end, but it's tough to find places in the beginning and middle to sacrifice so there can be a bit more meat on the climax. Altogether, I had fun, and I hope my CPs don?t start bleeding from their eyes before they finish reading.

Week 1 posts / Re: First Draft: Putting the Tertiaries to Rest
« on: August 07, 2020, 09:39:16 PM »
Lol! This was hilarious. "I?ve met my maker, and I?m feeling underwhelmed!? Perfect  :D

Week 1 posts / First Draft: Headhunters
« on: August 05, 2020, 04:29:45 AM »
My first draft has a lot of weird formatting which this site strips out if I try to copy it over. And since I won't be redoing the formatting of every single edit in BBCode, which would take hours, I am instead posting a google docs link for anyone who would like to read my very strange adventure.



Thoughts on the Process:

So I clearly went off the rails with this one, lol. I decided if I was going to think outside the box, may as well go way outside the box. Did it work? I don't know! Did I have fun writing it? Hell yeah.

It's 1125 words, which I think is a reasonable length and shouldn't be too hard to trim down to 1000. I?m an edit-as-I-go type of writer, so there?s not a ton of typos or anything in here, but I did try to limit the amount that I reread and rewrite as I was drafting, so next week when I edit I'll have more to work with. I?m also definitely the type to write long intro and then realize I am nearing the end and have to speed things up to get beneath the wordcount, hahaha. So I know pacing edits will be happening as well.

Why the colors, you ask? I don't know! I thought it would be funny before I started doing all the rainbow text and then began to regret everything in life. But I am nothing if not stubborn. Apparently this forum is too old school to accept formatting when pasting text, soooo google link it is.

Thanks for reading!

Week 0 posts / First Impressions from a Newbie
« on: August 04, 2020, 02:07:03 AM »
So I basically had no idea what to do with this prompt. It didn't call to me, it didn't spark any ideas. It just sat there like a week old banana: I was pretty sure it wasn't going to taste good anymore but felt a little guilty about throwing it away.

Time to make some banana bread. I took everything the prompt made me feel (static, boring, mundane) and asked, "What sort of story is the opposite of this? What would be active, interesting, and just plain weird?"

Headless gay people. No, no, headless gay bounty hunters. In a cyberpunk megacity. And... rubber ducks? Ah, now we're getting somewhere.

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