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Topics - Erin Fulmer

Pages: [1]
Week 1 posts / 2021 First Draft: Fire Season
« on: July 14, 2021, 05:58:55 PM »
All right, here's a link to my first draft! I don't know what it's doing but it sure is doing SOMETHING.

He comes at dusk, the shadow man.

He hovers in the corner of my vision, dissolving when I look straight at him, looming when I look away. Sometimes he is indistinct, smudged at his edges like smoke, only the suggestion of a man?s shape and a man?s height. Other times, he seems almost solid. At those moments, I believe that if I turn just enough, if I squint just right, he might even have a face I could know.

Read the rest here: https://erinfulmerwrites.wordpress.com/2021/07/14/wim-2021-first-draft/

Week 0 posts / 2021 Prompt Reaction - Shadow People and Fire Spirits
« on: July 14, 2021, 05:56:28 PM »
Here's my blog post on the prompt for Writer in Motion 2021!


Week 5 posts / Final Thoughts - The Witch of Blue Ridge and WIM 2020
« on: September 06, 2020, 03:40:16 AM »
This was such a fun project! I'm so glad I joined and met all of you.  :heart:


Week 3 posts / Third Draft: The Witch of Blue Ridge
« on: August 16, 2020, 11:10:52 PM »
Week 3 is already upon us! My critique partners and I started this round a bit early, as we all had our self-edited drafts ready to go. I?m so grateful to my CPs for their help in this round of the Writer In Motion event. I was nervous about the process, since this was my first time doing the event, but I had no reason to be. In fact, everyone I?ve met and interacted with through WIM has been incredibly kind, talented, and friendly.

My CPs and I swapped drafts of our stories in Word and used track changes and comments to leave feedback. I received both high-level feedback and input on word use and structure that tightened the prose to give more space for the story.

Thanks to their insights, I was able to clarify my character?s motivation, highlight the turning point that brings her to sacrifice her isolation for a stranger, and add a few touches that illuminate her backstory.

Draft and more notes on process here:


Week 2 posts / Second Draft: The Witch of Blue Ridge
« on: August 12, 2020, 01:13:08 AM »
Here is my second draft: https://erinfulmerwrites.wordpress.com/2020/08/11/writerinmotion-self-edited-draft-the-witch-of-blue-ridge/

And here's my self-doubting sum-up:

I'm not actually convinced that it's better than the first try.

And that's the trouble with rewrites, at least for me. It feels like taking apart a complex piece of machinery and putting it back together with different pieces in a different order--in that it may not work at all anymore. I like this version better in some ways--it's closer to my original vision and the personal connection between the witch and the minister does add an extra punch, especially with the reveal at the end. But I suspect there is now an issue of inconsistent tone/voice between the first scene and the rest, and I'm not sure how to fix it.

What do you think?

Week 1 posts / First Draft: The Witch of Blue Ridge
« on: August 04, 2020, 12:52:52 AM »
Well, here goes...my first draft (just about 1000 words). I struggled with it this morning but finally pushed past my block.


Week 0 posts / Prompt Impressions (first timer!)
« on: August 03, 2020, 12:03:37 AM »
Here's my first impressions of the prompt, along with a little musing on why I've decided to take this on!


Writer & Editor Bios / Erin Fulmer - Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy
« on: August 02, 2020, 10:54:37 PM »
Name: Erin Fulmer

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her

Bio: Erin Fulmer is a life-long writer, real-life social justice warrior (i.e. legal services lawyer), politics junkie, and general bookworm. She got her first taste of writing for an audience as a fanfic author in the 2000s (dating herself here) but convinced herself it was just for fun. She was lying to herself because writing and worldbuilding turned out to be her passion. She lives in sunny California with her fiance and two demanding cat daughters.

What type of stories do you write? Urban/contemporary fantasy and soft science fiction with wisecracking heroines and a dash of social commentary.

What are you working on right now?
In the middle of a second draft of a time-warping space opera about space pirates, sentient ships, and how we rebuild ourselves after trauma. ORPHAN BLACK x WAYFARERS x DARK MATTER.

My Writer In Motion Project:
TBD! (Something something Blair Witch but from the witch's perspective?)

Connect With Me:

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