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Author Topic: Anthony Eden : LGBTQIA+ themed spec fic, dark SFF, literary-leaning  (Read 887 times)


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  • Happily Queer Writer
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Name: Anthony Eden
Preferred Pronouns: They/them, but I'm not too bovvered if you forget.

Bio: Not much to tell. I'm a self-proclaimed "happily queer writer" (although I'm often evil to my poor characters), a proud catparent. I've finished my first novel (CODE-NAME: PROMETHEUS) and I'm trying to unlock the querying mystery. Me, present a sales pitch about my literary SF baby? It's a process. XD FRANKENSTEIN x FRINGE x X-FILES? Update: I'm currently editing my second novel, the steampunk mystery one with vampires. No blood magic, but other types of magic - such as clockwork-run automatons.

What type of stories do you write?
I tend to lean towards stories that may seem otherworldly, but are really a thinly veiled narrative of our contemporary world. I'm also a huge geek for all kinds of folklore. I write love stories that aren't technically romance novels, and I love flipping an old, tired trope on its gay little head. That actually sums me up kinda good: tropes galore, but make it gay.

What are you working on right now?
I'm fiddling with my second (or third? technically?) novel, also sci-fi, but with steampunk elements and blood magic. In one sentence, it's about vampires and humans on their first, joint venture into space -- and things go horribly wrong, as they are wont to do.  ;D Update: the second-technically-third novel turned into something entirely different, but I'm very proud of it. My new projects are a potential sequel to the steampunk mystery, as well as a Nordic Fantasy with robots.

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« Last Edit: July 16, 2021, 02:41:24 PM by AnthonyEden »