WIM Summer 2020

Thank you!


To all of our wonderful writers, thank you.

Thank you for sharing your words with us. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your editing process in front of friends and strangers. Thank you for taking a leap of faith, putting yourself out there and trusting us with your stories. It was a brave thing you’ve done, and we cannot thank you enough for it.

Your words were beautiful. We got to watch them start as seeds pushing upwards through the soil, into sprouts reaching for the sun and finally fully blossomed, gorgeous flowers. All of that was done by you! You pushed yourselves and your stories to be the best they could be in a very short amount of time. We hope you’ve gained something from this time together. Whether it be a new writing friend, a new WIP popping around your mind or feeling more confident in your skills, we hope you’ve taken something away from this experience.

And don’t forget, we are having our celebratory taco party on Sunday September 13th (2020) at 3pm EST!

So from of all of us on the Writer in Motion team, thank you and we hope to see you again soon!

P.S. If you want to keep up to date with everything Writer in Motion, sign up here for our newsletter!