WIM Summer 2021

Writer In Motion Summer 2021: We’re Back!

Welcome writers! After a long and dreary winter, we have finally arrived at my favorite time of the year, Writer In Motion Season!!!! As with past years, the process is the same. We will post a prompt, everyone will write their own short story, and over the following weeks, your piece will be run through a gauntlet of the friendliest critique partners and editors you’ll ever have the chance to work with. What comes out at the end is your amazing short story, only a MILLION times better than when it started. So lets get writing!

Like last year, we will be opening signups to marginalized groups of writers first, on Friday the 25th. This includes anyone who self identifies as marginalized, ranging from LGBTQ+ to BIPOC to neurodivergent and anything else, as this is not an all inclusive list. A week later on July 2nd, registration will open up to everyone!

If you’re curious what the timeline of the event looks like, see the schedule on the homepage HERE! Stay tuned to the blog right here for fun posts and info as the event progresses!